“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.” - Proverb
Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic modality in which Hypnosis is used. Hypnosis
is a natural state of highly focused attention and awareness where the conscious mind is put aside and communication with the subconscious mind is established. Throughout the entire process you never lose control and you are fully aware of what is happening around you. Hypnosis occurs when our brainwaves are altered from Beta which is present during intense mental activity (14-30 Hz) to Alpha, which is a “frequency bridge” between conscious and subconscious mind (9-13 Hz) or Theta where we enter our subconscious mind (4-8 Hz). When you are in a hypnotic state, your critical mind (or your filter) is temporarily put aside, and your subconscious deep inner mind is open to receiving powerful suggestions that allow to transform negative behaviors and beliefs that prevent you from becoming the best version of yourself and living the most fulfilling life you can.
You experience hypnosis many times throughout the day without even realizing it. You are in the state of hypnosis just before you go to sleep or when you first wake up and many other times throughout the day. Interestingly, we are in a state of hypnosis for the first 7 years of our lives and that is precisely when we go through intense programming. My mission is to use hypnosis to create positive lasting changes in your life by helping you to reprogram your self-limiting beliefs, eliminate your fears and reframe your past trauma and relationships.
Why Hypnotherapy works:
Hypnotherapy works because of the immense power of the subconscious mind. While in Hypnosis, your critical mind is put aside and connection with subconscious is established. Most of your everyday life is dictated by your subconscious mind. You operate from your conscious mind only about 5% of the time and it contains memories, thoughts and wishes of which you are aware in any given moment. Your subconscious mind is at play approximately 95% of the time. It is like a memory bank, storing every single thing that ever happened to you in your lifetime. It is a reservoir of thoughts, feelings and memories that are not in your conscious awareness. While your conscious mind processes about 40 bits of information per second, your subconscious mind processes about 20,000,000 bits of information per second. Think of a time when you read an inspiring self-improvement book and decided to change your life in some way, only to find out that days later you were back at doing things “the old way.” No wonder that when there is a struggle between conscious and subconscious minds, the subconscious always wins. This is why change is so hard. You are not weak – you were just programmed to operate in a certain way and the only way to go about it is to un-program your limiting beliefs and behaviors and reprogram your subconscious mind with programs that enhance instead of limiting your life.
Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy:
Hypnotherapy is highly effective for transforming any condition where mind is at play. Clients often turn to Hypnotherapy after years of unsuccessfully trying different types of therapy, or as an effective addition to their ongoing treatment. Many renowned psychiatrists and psychologists have turned to hypnosis to help their patients. Some examples are Milton Erickson, Ph.D. (psychiatry and psychology), David Spiegel, M.D. (Associate Chairman of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford), and
Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. (clinical psychology). Barrios conducted a groundbreaking study in which he concluded that hypnosis had a 93% success rate after 6 sessions as compared to 72% success rate for behavioral therapy after 22 sessions and 38% rate success rate with psychotherapy after 600 sessions.

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
— Maya Angelou