“Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” - George Addair
Hypnotherapy Techniques
Every client is different, and each Hypnotherapy session is customized depending on individual needs of each client. I constantly expand my knowledge, learn from world experts, and I draw from many Hypnosis and NLP techniques. I use my intuition and knowledge to understand the individual needs of every single person. Below are examples of some techniques, but here are many others not listed here that I use daily.
Hypnotic Programming
We will go through an in-depth intake of the issue at hand. Together we will uncover your emotions and beliefs as they relate to your issue and subsequently, we will reframe them. We will create powerful suggestions, affirmations and visualization that speak to you and are specifically tailored to your situation. I will guide you into a hypnotic state so that we can bypass your critical mind and speak directly to your subconscious. You will receive a recording of the hypnotic programming session that you can listen to for few weeks. The subconscious mind loves repetition!
Parts Therapy
Highly effective modality with a primary goal of resolving inner conflict that our psyche often engages in. Part of us wants to stop a habit while another part wants to continue the habit. Both parts have a role. One wants us to be healthy, another one wants the habit to continue (and provide comfort or some other benefit). Both parts have a job and we never send any part away, we simply help them to work for us in healthier ways, so we create a shift in how the parts work for us. As long as we have conflicting parts within us it is very difficult to make a change.
Regression Therapy
The client is regressed to a younger age when the emotion and belief originated. In the first 7 years of our life, we are in a state of Hypnosis, and we are getting programmed by everything around us – family, school, church, society, etc. These programs are not our own programs and unfortunately, most of these programs are negative and they have a huge impact on our whole life. Through Regression Therapy we take a good look at false beliefs that were formed earlier in life and we reframe them one by one. This leads to a very powerful healing and transformation.
Past Life Regression and LBL Exploration
This is a powerful modality not only for those who believe in past lives, but who are open to different possibilities. I will guide you to your past life/lives where we will uncover emotions, beliefs, events and relationships that have an impact on your life today. Whether you believe in past lives or not this modality proved to help many people to transform their lives.
NLP techniques
Various Neurolinguistic Programming techniques are highly effective for fears and phobias, habit modification, changing behaviors and beliefs, etc. I use NLP techniques in conjunction with hypnosis in almost every session.
This technique involves deep circular breathing and is often combined with other modalities. Breathwork is very effective in clearing emotional blocks that are often buried deep down and prevent you from living healthy and fulfilling life. You can choose to do this technique with specific issue in mind or simply follow your breath and allow any issues that need resolution to come to the surface. We then work on issues at hand and resolve them.
“You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
— C.S. Lewis